Motorolie til personbiler og varevogne
Motorolie til personbiler og varevogne
TotalEnergies guider dig til den rette motorolie
Quartz håndterer kravene fra en diversificeret kundebase hver dag. Fra motorsportshold og topkørerer til virkelige eksperter, såsom producenter og mekanikere, vores olie er skræddersyet til at imødekomme alle kunders behov.
Hvis du vil sikre en god forretning i din virksomhed, er det afgørende, at du vælger den rigtige motorolie. TotalEnergies’ team af eksperter kender hverdagen på værkstederne og står altid klar til at hjælpe dig. Distriktscheferne er lokalt forankrede i hele Danmark og kommer gerne på besøg til et uforpligtende møde i netop din virksomhed.
QUARTZ - kvalitetsmotorolie godkendt af førende bilfabrikanter
Kravene fra de enkelte bil- og motorproducenterne er meget forskellige. Derfor har TotalEnergies i samarbejde med de førende bilfabrikanter udviklet et bredt sortiment af motorolier til personbiler og varevogne under navnet Quartz, der alle er tilpasset den enkelte producents krav og specifikationer.
Takket være omfattende forskning og udvikling overgår vores Quartz-motorolier selv de mest krævende krav fra bilproducenterne. Quartz-produkterne er testet og godkendt af de store bilproducenter. Produktgodkendelserne er den officielle garanti, der beviser, at Quartz-produkterne er 100% kompatible med udstyret og teknologien hos producenterne.
Quartz-motorolier forbedrer ikke kun motorens renhed og øger motorbeskyttelsen, men forbedrer også brændstofeffektiviteten*.1.
1 *Når der anvendes dedikerede "Fuel Economy"-produkter.
Den mest effektive teknologi til at rense motoren
TotalEnergies arbejder målrettet sammen med bilfabrikanterne om at skabe specialudviklede løsninger til deres behov. Løsninger der samtidig imødekommer daglig brug og vedligeholdelse uden at gå på kompromis med produkternes høje kvalitet. Målet er at skabe en grønnere oplevelse for både mennesker og miljø.
Intensiv forskning har resulteret i, at TotalEnergies har udviklet en ny, innovativ produktserie, der møder branchens behov. QUARTZ EV FLUID til hybrid- og elbiler matcher de specielle behov for robusthed, varmeresistens og køling i elektriske motorer, der er behov for.
Quartz-produkter med Eco-Science-teknologien er det seneste gennembrud fra TotalEnergies' laboratorier. Teknologien frigør kraften i de nyeste motorer, og dens banebrydende friktionsmodifikatorer reducerer friktionen mellem delene, så motorerne kan udnytte deres fulde potentiale. Eco-Science-teknologien giver langvarig renhed, beskyttelse mod ældning og en betydelig brændstofbesparelse. Mindre brændstofforbrug betyder færre kulstof- og partikelemissioner.
Motorolie til hybrid- og elbiler? Se efter QUARTZ EV FLUID
TotalEnergies arbejder målrettet sammen med bilfabrikanterne om at skabe specialudviklede løsninger til deres behov. Løsninger der samtidig imødekommer daglig brug og vedligeholdelse uden at gå på kompromis med produkternes høje kvalitet. Målet er at skabe en grønnere oplevelse for både mennesker og miljø.
I en række produkter i Quartz-serien anvender vi Clean-Shield-teknologien, som holder motorer rene ved hjælp af avancerede rengøringsmolekyler, der er udviklet til at opfange og isolere snavs som slam og sod.
Quartz-motorolie med Clean-Shield-teknologi bekæmper nedbrud, og er en populær olie verden over for at garantere motorens renhed i hele aftapningsintervallet og efter olieskift.
Oplev den sidste nye teknologi
3 grunde til at vælge Quartz
Oplev vores sidste nye produktsortiment
Vores andre brand navne
Kontakt vores sælgere og hør mere om vores produkter.
Xtra range
Quartz Xtra er den nye førsteklasses serie designet til de seneste motorer- og hybridmotorer.
Quartz Xtra benytter den innovative Eco-Science-teknologi.
Eco-Science technologiforbedrer motorens levetid og effektivitet, optimerer motorplejen og sænker brændstofforbruget. Med andre ord fjerner Quartz Xtra-motorolier medEco-Science technologi ikke kun urenheder og beskytter motorer, men giver også yderligere fordele såsom forbedret brændstoføkonomi og optimal motorpleje for maksimeret ydeevne.
Quartz Xtra sortiment, det (r)evolutionære smøremiddel
Med den nyeste genanvendelige indpakning.
Med Quartz Xtra sortiment, vores mål mod at reducere brugen af plastik ved at bruge bedre alternativer som genbrugsvenlig indpakning og genanvendelig plast. HDPE (High-density polyethylene) er den mest almindelige plasttype med et højt styrke-til-densitetsforhold. Generelt brugt til fremstilling af forskellige typer flasker og beholdere, HDPE er også hovedkomponenten i vores indpakning med smøremidler.
TotalEnergies produkter introducerer en banebrydende emballageinnovation: En ny flaske designet med 50 % genbrugsplast og 100 % genanvendelig så mange gange som muligt. Affaldsmaterialer genanvendes til uden at ændre materialets grundstruktur.
Det genanvendte materiale kommer fra en genbrugsprocess, hvor affaldet kværnes, sorteres og omdannes til platingranulat (genanvendt plast). Disse genbrugte granulat udgør 50 % af vores innovative emballage.
Lancering af denne nye indpaknings Quartz Xtra serie lavet i Europa, er et væsentligt skridt i retningen af at skabe en ægte cirkulær økonomi for plastemballage. Denne introduktion af. genanvendeligt plastik driver en reduktion af plast og skaber en stærk genanvendelse.
Quartz Xtra, det (r)evolutionære sortimentright down to the packaging!
* Emballage lavet af 50 % genbrugsplast og 100 % genanvendelig: låget er ikke inkluderet.
Quartz Xtra består af 2 under-sortimenter
Quartz Ineo Xtra, til køretøjer udstyret med partikelfiltre.
Quartz 9000 Xtra, til køretøjer der ikke er udstyret med partikelfiltre.
Quartz Xtra, innoverende brændstofbesparelse
Quartz Xtra, the perfekte smøremiddel til Hybrid motorer.
Quartz Xtra opfylder de strengeste krav
Quartz Xtra-serien er kendetegnet ved dens flydeevne og exceptionelle brændstoføkonomiske egenskaber, som gør den til en perfekt kombination sammen med de nyeste motorer, især til hybridbiler.
Hybrid kompatibel
Xtra Fuel brændstofbesparelse1
eller mere flydende kvalitet
Low Saps
(and Normal Saps)
OEM2 godkendelser
Ultimativ beskyttelse imod oxidation
1 Op til 4,01 % brændstoføkonomi. Baseret på ACEA M111 Fuel Economy test. Resultat for Quartz Ineo Xtra Dynamics 0W-20 sammenlignet med branchereferencen som defineret af de europæiske bilproducenter’ Foreningen (ACEA).
2 Originale udstyrsproducenter.
Se vores nye Quartz Xtra range videoer her
Quartz Xtra, skubber brændstoføkonomien yderligere!
Quartz Xtra, det perfekte smøremiddel til hybrid motorer!
Quartz Xtra-produkter, vælg dine!
Quartz Ineo Xtra Products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Advanced Synthetic Technology |
Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ACEA | API | ILSAC | Approvals | Meets the requirements of |
Quartz Ineo Xtra Dynamics |
0W-20 | C5 | SN-RC | GF-5 | ASTON MARTIN Twin Turbo V12 engines: Service fill approved
BMW LL-17 FE+ (backward compatible BMW LL-14FE+) |
Suitable for Ford WSS-M2C952-A1 | |||
newQuartz Ineo Xtra EC6 |
C6, C5 | SP/RC | GF-6A | ASTON MARTIN Twin Turbo V12 engines: Service fill approved
MB-Approval 229.72 (backward compatible 229.71) Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - A20 Ford WSS-M2C947-B1 Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03.5006 Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE |
Fiat 9.55535-GSX
Chrysler MS-12145 |
Quartz Ineo Xtra First |
C5 | - | - | PSA B71 2010 | Fiat 9.55535-DM1 | ||||
upgradedQuartz Ineo Xtra Long Life |
C5 | SN Plus | - | VW 508.00/509.00
Porsche C20 Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 |
- | ||||
newQuartz Ineo Xtra FDE |
C6, C5 | SP | - | Dexos DTM
MB-Approval 229.71 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - A20 Ford WSS-M2C952-A1 Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03-5006 |
- | ||||
Quartz Ineo Xtra V-Drive |
C5 | SN/CF | - | Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 |
- | ||||
Quartz Ineo Xtra C5 |
C5 | SN | - | MB-Approval 229.71
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 |
- | ||||
Quartz Ineo Xtra HKR C5 |
C5 | SP | GF-6A | Recommended by Kia | - |
Quartz Ineo Xtra Products
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | SN-RC | GF-5 |
Approvals |
ASTON MARTIN Twin Turbo V12 engines: Service fill approved
BMW LL-17 FE+ (backward compatible BMW LL-14FE+) |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for Ford WSS-M2C952-A1 |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C6, C5 | SP/RC | GF-6A |
Approvals |
ASTON MARTIN Twin Turbo V12 engines: Service fill approved
MB-Approval 229.72 (backward compatible 229.71) Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - A20 Ford WSS-M2C947-B1 Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03.5006 Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-GSX
Chrysler MS-12145 |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | - | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2010 |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-DM1 |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | SN Plus | - |
Approvals |
VW 508.00/509.00
Porsche C20 Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C6, C5 | SP | - |
Approvals |
Dexos DTM
MB-Approval 229.71 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - A20 Ford WSS-M2C952-A1 Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03-5006 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE
Ford WSS-M2C956-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | SN | - |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.71
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.51.5122 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
C5 | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Recommended by Kia |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Quartz 9000 Xtra Products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Advanced Synthetic Technology |
Xtra Fuel Economy | API | ILSAC | JASO | Approvals | Meets the requirements of | |
newQuartz 9000 Xtra |
0W-8 | - | - | Jaso GLV-1 | - | Suitable for Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi | |||
Quartz 9000 Xtra Future XT |
0W-16 | SP | GF-6B | - | - | Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda | |||
Quartz 9000 Xtra Future XT |
0W-20 | SP | GF-6A | - | Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 | Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda | |||
upgradedQuartz 9000 Xtra Future FGC |
SP | GF-6A | - | GM dexos1™Gen3 approved
Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 |
Chrysler MS 6395 Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Subaru, Mazda Suitable for Hyundai and Kia Motors |
Quartz 9000 Xtra Products
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | |
- | - | Jaso GLV-1 |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for Toyota, Mazda, Nissan, Mitsubishi |
Viscosity grade |
0W-16 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | |
SP | GF-6B | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | |
SP | GF-6A | - |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Xtra Fuel Economy | |
SP | GF-6A | - |
Approvals |
GM dexos1™Gen3 approved
Ford WSS-M2C962-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
Chrysler MS 6395 Suitable for Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Subaru, Mazda Suitable for Hyundai and Kia Motors |
Eco-mærket af TotalEnergies:
62% af produkterne i Quartz Xtra-serien
har Eco-mærketket, som er certificeret af et uafhængigt organ
baseret på ekstremt stringente specifikationer og fremstillingsprocesser.
læs mere på
Quartz Ineo serien
Quartz Ineo er vores førsteklasses serie, der er specielt udviklet til køretøjer udstyret med partikelfiltre og anbefales i højere grad til alle køretøjer udstyret med efterbehandlingssystemer.
Quartz Ineo-serien med Age-Resistance-teknologi giver uovertruffen motorbeskyttelse. Dens unikke kombination af hyperaktive molekyler skaber en stærk tyk oliefilm på alle bevægelige motordele. Motorerne er fuldstændig beskyttet mod en række udfordringer, fra slid til oxidation selv ved ekstreme temperaturer.
Quartz Ineo seriens:
Ultimativ beskyttelse mod olieoxidation
Avanceret Syntetisk
Low Saps
OEM2 godkendelser
1 Når dedikerede "Brændstoføkonomi"-produkter anvendes.
2 Originale udstyrsfabrikanter.
Quartz Ineo-produkter, vælg dine!
Quartz Ineo Products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Advanced Synthetic Technology |
Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ACEA | API | Approvals | Meets the requirements of |
upgradedQuartz Ineo Efficiency |
0W-30 | C2, C3 | SP | BMW LL-04
BMW LL-12FE BMW LL-19FE Recommended by Kia |
- | |||
Quartz Ineo FDE |
C2 | SN | Ford WSS-M2C950-A
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5007 |
- | ||||
upgradedQuartz Ineo First |
C1 | - | PSA B71 2312
PSA B71 2302 |
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5007
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-GS1 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-DS1 Suitable for Toyota |
Quartz Ineo HKS |
C2 | SN Plus / CF | Recommended by Kia with Factory Fill performance | - | ||||
upgradedQuartz Ineo Long Life |
- | C3 | - | VW 504.00/507.00 Porsche C30 BMW LL-04 |
- | |||
Quartz Ineo Ecob |
5W-20 | C5 | SN | Ford WSS-M2C948-B
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5004 |
- | |||
Quartz Ineo C1 |
5W-30 | C1 | - | Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 | Ford WSS-M2C934-B
Ford WSS-M2C934-A |
Quartz Ineo C4 |
- | C4 | - | Renault RN 0720
MB-Approval 226.51 |
Fiat 9.55535-S4 | |||
Quartz Ineo R-Plus |
C2, C3 | - | Renault RN17
MB-Approval 226.52 |
- | ||||
Quartz Ineo DID |
- | C3 | SN/CF | VW 505.00/505.01
MB-Approval 229.52 |
GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 |
Quartz Ineo ECS |
C2 | - | PSA B71 2290 | Fiat 9.55535-S1
Iveco 18-1811 SC1 Suitable for Toyota |
Quartz Ineo HTC |
- | C3 | SN Plus | PSA B71 2297
PSA B71 2290 |
- | |||
Quartz Ineo Long Life |
- | C3 | SN/CF | VW 504.00/507.00
BMW LL-04 MB-Approval 229.51 PORSCHE C30 |
- | |||
Quartz Ineo HZX |
- | C3 | SN/CF | Isuzu Recommended Lubricant
(2022) |
- | |||
upgradedQuartz Ineo MC3 |
- | C3 | SN Plus / CF | BMW LL-04
MB-Approval 229.52 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - G30 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 Recommended by Kia |
GM Dexos 2
Chrysler MS-11106 VW 505.01 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-S3 |
Quartz Ineo MDC |
C2, C3 | SN/CF | MB-Approval 229.52
GM Dexos 2™ Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 Recommended by Kia |
- | ||||
upgradedQuartz Ineo C3 |
C3 | SP | MB-Approval 229.51 | - | ||||
Quartz Ineo C3 |
5W-40 | - | C3 | SN/CF | MB-Approval 229.51
VW 505.00/505.01 PORSCHE A40 |
Fiat 9.55535-S2
Ford WSS-M2C917-A GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D40 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-GH2 |
Quartz Ineo FGO |
- | C3 | SN/CF | BMW LL-04
MB-Approval 229.52 VW 511.00 Porsche C40 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
Fiat 9.55535-S2
GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D40 |
Quartz Ineo Racing |
10W-60 | - | C3 | SN/CF | ASTON MARTIN V8 naturally aspirated engines: Service fill approved | BMW M-Series |
Quartz Ineo Products
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2, C3 | SP |
Approvals |
BMW LL-12FE BMW LL-19FE Recommended by Kia |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2 | SN |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C950-A
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5007 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C1 | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2312
PSA B71 2302 |
Meets the requirements of |
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5007
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-GS1 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-DS1 Suitable for Toyota |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2 | SN Plus / CF |
Approvals |
Recommended by Kia with Factory Fill performance |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | - |
Approvals |
VW 504.00/507.00
Porsche C30 BMW LL-04 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C5 | SN |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C948-B
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5004 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C1 | - |
Approvals |
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 |
Meets the requirements of |
Ford WSS-M2C934-B
Ford WSS-M2C934-A |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C4 | - |
Approvals |
Renault RN 0720
MB-Approval 226.51 |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-S4 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2, C3 | - |
Approvals |
Renault RN17
MB-Approval 226.52 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
VW 505.00/505.01
MB-Approval 229.52 |
Meets the requirements of |
GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2 | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2290 |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-S1
Iveco 18-1811 SC1 Suitable for Toyota |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN PLus |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2297
PSA B71 2290 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
VW 504.00/507.00
BMW LL-04 MB-Approval 229.51 PORSCHE C30 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
Isuzu Recommended Lubricant (2022) |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN Plus / CF |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.52 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - G30 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 Recommended by Kia |
Meets the requirements of |
GM Dexos 2
Chrysler MS-11106 VW 505.01 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-S3 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C2, C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.52
GM Dexos 2™ Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D30 Recommended by Kia |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SP |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.51 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.51
VW 505.00/505.01 PORSCHE A40 |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-S2
Ford WSS-M2C917-A GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D40 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-GH2 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.52 VW 511.00 Porsche C40 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
Meets the requirements of |
Fiat 9.55535-S2
GM Dexos 2 Opel/Vauxhall OV 040 1547 - D40 |
Viscosity grade |
10W-60 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | Low Saps | ||
- |
ACEA | API | |
C3 | SN/CF |
Approvals |
ASTON MARTIN V8 naturally aspirated engines: Service fill approved |
Meets the requirements of |
BMW M-Series |
Quartz 9000 serien
Quartz 9000 er vores førsteklasses serie sammensat af produkter designet til køretøjer, der ikke er udstyret med partikelfiltre, og tilbyder et bredt anvendelsesområde. Quartz 9000 produkter er udviklet til at give din motor det højeste niveau af beskyttelse, ydeevne og holdbarhed.
Quartz 9000-serien er benytter den eksklusive Age-Resistance-teknologi. Quartz 9000, med Age-Resistance-teknologi giver ultimativ beskyttelse mod mekanisk slid ved ekstreme temperaturer og enestående motorydelse gennem hele dens levetid, selv under hyppige stop og startforhold.
Quartz 9000 range fordele:
Ultimativ beskyttelse mod olieoxidation
Avanceret syntetisk teknologi
Normal Saps kompabilitet
OEM2 godkendelser
1 Når dedikerede "Brændstoføkonomi"-produkter anvendes
2 Originale udstyrsfabrikanter
Quartz 9000 produkter, vælg dine!
Quartz 9000 Products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Advenced Synthetic Technology |
Fuel Economy | ACEA | API | ILSAC | Approvals | Meets the requirements of |
Quartz 9000 Future GF6 |
0W-20 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
newQuartz 9000 COG SP |
- | SP | GF-6A | GWM Spare parts Number:
ALAC011930 (208-L), ALAD000149 (5-L), ALAD000150 (4-L), ALAD000151 (1-L) |
- | |||
Quartz 9000 |
0W-30 | A5/B5 | SL/CF | - | Volvo VCC 95200377 | - | ||
Quartz 9000 Energy |
- | A3/B4 | SL/CF | - | MB-Approval 229.5
Volvo VCC 95200356 VW 502.00/505.00 |
- | ||
Quartz 9000 Future GF6 |
- | SP | GF-6A | - | - | |||
Quartz 9000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C963-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 9000 HKR GF6A |
- | SP | GF-6A | Recommended by Kia | - | |||
Quartz 9000 Energy |
0W-40 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | ASTON MARTIN: Approved for 4.0L TwinTurbo V8 & 6.0L V12
Naturally aspirated engines MB-Approval 229.5 PORSCHE A40 VW 502.00/505.00 FORD WSS-M2C937-A |
- | |
Quartz 9000 Future GF6 |
5W-20 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 9000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 9000 Energy |
5W-30 | - | A3/B4 | SL/CF | - | BMW LL-01
MB-Approval 229.5 VW 502.00/505.00 |
- | |
Quartz 9000 Energy HKS G-310 |
- | A5 | CF | - | Recommended by Kia, with Factory Fill performance | - | ||
Quartz 9000 NFC |
A5/B5 | SL/CF | - | Ford WSS-M2C913-D (backward compatible WSS-M2C913-C, WSS-M2C913-B)
Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5003 |
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G1
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N1 |
Quartz 9000 Future GF6 |
- | SP | GF-6A | - | - | |||
Quartz 9000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 9000 Future FGC |
- | SP | GF-6A | GM dexos1™Gen3 approved
Opel/Vauxhall OV0401547-G30 Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 |
Chrysler MS-6395
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-CR1 |
Quartz 9000 COG SN |
- | SN | - | GWM Spare parts Number:
ALAC011930 (208-L), AD000149 (5-L), ALAD000150 (4-L), ALAD000151 (1-L) |
- | |||
Quartz 9000 Diesel CI-4 |
- | - | CI-4 | - | - | - | ||
newQuartz 9000 CRY SP |
- | SP | GF-6A | Approved by Chery | - | |||
Quartz 9000 |
5W-40 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | PSA B71 2296
Renault RN 0700/0710 MB-Approval 229.5 VW 502.00/505.00 Porsche A40 |
Chrysler MS-12991
Fiat 9.55535-M2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-Z2 |
Quartz 9000 Energy |
- | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | MB-Approval 229.5
VW 502.00/505.00 Porsche A40 |
Chrysler MS-1299
Fiat 9.55535-M2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-Z2 |
newQuartz 9000 FGO |
- | A3/B4 | SP | - | MRenault RN0700/0710
VW 502.00/505.00 MB-Approval 229.5 |
Chrysler MS-12991
Fiat 9.55535-M2 MB 229.3 |
Quartz 9000 SN |
5W-50 | - | - | SN/CF | - | - | - | |
Quartz 9000 Future XT |
10W-30 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz Racing |
10W-50 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | - | - | |
Quartz Racing |
10W-60 | - | - | SN/CF | - | - | Suitable for BMW M-series |
Quartz 9000 Products
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
GWM Spare parts Number:
ALAC011930 (208-L), ALAD000149 (5-L), ALAD000150 (4-L), ALAD000151 (1-L) |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
A5/B5 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
Volvo VCC 95200377 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.5
Volvo VCC 95200356 VW 502.00/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C963-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Recommended by Kia Motors |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
0W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
ASTON MARTIN: Approved for 4.0L TwinTurbo V8 & 6.0L V12
Naturally aspirated engines MB-Approval 229.5 PORSCHE A40 VW 502.00/505.00 FORD WSS-M2C937-A |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.5 VW 502.00/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A5 | CF | - |
Approvals |
Recommended by Kia, with Factory Fill performance |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
A5/B5 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C913-D (backward
compatible WSS-M2C913-C, WSS-M2C913-B) Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5003 |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G1
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N1 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
GM dexos1™Gen3 approved
Opel/Vauxhall OV0401547-G30 Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
Chrysler MS-6395
Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-CR1 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SN | - |
Approvals |
GWM Spare parts Number:
ALAC011930 (208-L), AD000149 (5-L), ALAD000150 (4-L), ALAD000151 (1-L) |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | CI-4 | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Approved by Chery |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2296
Renault RN 0700/0710 MB-Approval 229.5 VW 502.00/505.00 Porsche A40 |
Meets the requirements of |
Chrysler MS-12991
Fiat 9.55535-M2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-Z2 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
MB-Approval 229.5
VW 502.00/505.00 Porsche A40 |
Meets the requirements of |
Chrysler MS-1299
Fiat 9.55535-M2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-N2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Fiat 9.55535-Z2 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SP | - |
Approvals |
Renault RN0700/0710
VW 502.00/505.00 MB-Approval 229.5 |
Meets the requirements of |
Chrysler MS-12991
Fiat 9.55535-M2 MB 229.3 |
Viscosity grade |
5W-50 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-50 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-60 |
Advanced Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
Suitable for BMW M-series |
Quartz 7000 range
Quartz 7000 is our range of semi-synthetic products, providing effective and impeccable engine cleanliness.
Fighting against major causes of breakdowns, Quartz 7000 with Clean-Shield technology is the oil of choice across the globe to guarantee engine cleanliness during the entire drain interval and after oil change.
Quartz 7000 range prerequisites:
Advanced Cleanliness, even in extreme conditions
Normal Saps compatibility
Synthetic technology (Semi-synthetic)
OEM1 claims
1 Original Equipment Manufacturers claims.
Quartz 7000 products, pick yours!
Quartz 7000 products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Semi- Synthetic Technology |
Fuel Economy | ACEA | API | ILSAC | Approvals | Meets the requirements of |
Quartz 7000 Future GF6 |
5W-20 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 7000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 7000 Future GF6 |
5W-30 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 7000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 7000 FGO |
5W-40 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | MB-Approval Volkswagen 502.00/505.00 Renault RN 0700 |
MB 229.3 | |
Quartz 7000 Future GF6 |
10W-30 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 7000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | - | - | |||
Quartz 7000 Diesel CI-4 |
- | - | CI-4 | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 7000 |
10W-40 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) VW 502.00/505.00 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
MB 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Quartz 7000 S |
- | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | VW 502.00/505.00 | MB 229.1 Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Renault RN 0700/0710 Suitable for PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) |
Quartz 7000 Energy |
- | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | VW 501.01/505.00 |
MB 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Quartz 7000 Diesel |
- | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) VW 502.00/505.00 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
MB 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Quartz 7000 Diesel S |
- | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | VW 502.00/505.00 | MB 229.1 Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Renault RN 0700/0710 Suitable for PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) |
Quartz 7000 SN |
- | - | SN/(CF) | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 7000 |
15W-50 | - | A3/B4 | SN/CF | - | VW 501.01/505.00 | MB 229.1 | |
Quartz 7000 SN |
- | - | SN/(CF) | - | - | - |
Quartz 7000 Products
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
MB-Approval Volkswagen 502.00/505.00 Renault RN 0700 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.3 |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | CI-4 | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) VW 501.01/505.00 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
VW 501.01/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1 Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Renault RN 0700/0710 Suitable for PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
VW 501.01/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB-Approval 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) VW 501.01/505.00 Renault RN 0700/0710 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.3 Fiat 9.55535-G2 |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
VW 501.01/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1 Fiat 9.55535-G2 Suitable for Renault RN 0700/0710 Suitable for PSA B71 2300 (backward compatible PSA B71 2294) |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
15W-50 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B4 | SN/CF | - |
Approvals |
VW 501.01/505.00 |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1 |
Viscosity grade |
15W-50 |
Semi-Synthetic Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Quartz 5000 range
Quartz 5000 is our high-performance technology engine oil range, developed to provide advanced cleanliness.
Quartz 5000 range relies on the Clean-Shield technology. Thanks to advanced detergent molecules designed to capture and isolate dirt such as sludge and soot, Clean-Shield technology keeps engines clean in the long term.
Quartz 5000 range prerequisites:
Advanced Cleanliness
Normal Saps compatibility
Excellent temperature resistance
High-performance technology
Quartz 5000 products, pick yours!
Quartz 5000 products | Features | International Specifications | OEM Homologations (Original Equipment Manufacturers) |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | High- Performance Technology |
Fuel Economy | ACEA | API | ILSAC | Approvals | Meets the requirements of |
Quartz 5000 Future XT |
5W-20 | - | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 | - | ||
Quartz 5000 Future GF6 |
5W-30 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 | - | |||
Quartz 5000 Future GF6 |
10W-30 | - | SP | GF-6A | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 Future XT |
- | SP | GF-6A | - | - | |||
newQuartz 5000 SL |
10W-40 | - | - | SL/(CF) | - | - | - | |
Quartz 5000 SP |
- | - | SP | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 SN |
- | - | SN/(CF) | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 |
15W-40 | - | A3/B3 | SL/CF | - | - | MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Quartz 5000 Diesel |
- | A3/B3 | SL/CF | - | - | MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Quartz 5000 SN |
- | - | SN/(CF) | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 SL |
- | - | SL/(CF) | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 Diesel CI-4 |
- | - | CI-4 | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 SN |
15W-50 | - | - | SN-(CF) | - | - | - | |
Quartz 5000 |
20W-50 | - | A3/B3 | SL/CF | - | - | MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Quartz 5000 SP |
- | - | SP | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 SN |
- | - | SN/(CF) | - | - | - | ||
Quartz 5000 SL |
- | - | SL/(CF) | - | - | - |
Quartz 5000 Products
Viscosity grade |
5W-20 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C960-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
5W-30 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
Ford WSS-M2C961-A1 |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- | SP | GF-6A |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-30 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SL/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SP | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
10W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
15W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B3 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Viscosity grade |
15W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B3 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Viscosity grade |
15W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
15W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SL/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
15W-40 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | CI-4 | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
15W-50 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
20W-50 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
A3/B3 | SL/CF | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
MB 229.1
PSA B71 2295 VW 501.01/505.00 |
Viscosity grade |
20W-50 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SP | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
20W-50 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SN/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Viscosity grade |
20W-50 |
High-Performance Technology | Fuel Economy | |
- |
- | SL/(CF) | - |
Approvals |
- |
Meets the requirements of |
- |
Quartz 4000 and 3000 ranges
Quartz 4000 and 3000 are our competitive high-performance technology engine oil ranges compliant with API International Standards and suitable for hardworking engines.
Quartz 4000 and 3000 range prerequisites:
Multigrade and monograde engine oils
Quartz 4000 and 3000 products, pick yours!
Quartz 4000 products | Features | International Specifications | |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde Engine oil Technology |
Quartz 4000 SM |
10W-30 10W-40 |
SM, SL/(CF) | |
Quartz 4000 SL |
20W-50 | SL/(CF) | |
Quartz 4000 SL |
SAE 40
SAE 50 |
SL/(CF) | |
Quartz Diesel 4000 CF-4 |
10W-30 | CF-4 | |
Quartz Diesel 4000 CF-4 |
20W-50 | CF-4, SG |
Quartz 4000 Products
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
10W-30 10W-40 |
SM, SL/(CF) |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
20W-50 | SL/(CF) |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
SAE 40
SAE 50 |
SL/(CF) |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
10W-30 | CF-4 |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
20W-50 | CF-4, SG |
Quartz 3000 products | Features | International Specifications | |
Commercial Product Name | Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde Engine oil Technology |
Quartz 3000 SJ |
20W-50 | SJ/CF | |
Quartz 3000 SG |
SG/CF | ||
Quartz 3000 Diesel |
SAE 40 | CF, SF |
Quartz 3000 Products
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
20W-50 | SJ/CF |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
20W-50 | SG/CF |
Viscosity grade | Multigrade and monograde
Engine oil Technology |
API | ||
SAE 40 | CF, SF |